Freedom Bulwark

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Logo-of-Freedom Bulwark 2013.jpg

Freedom Bulwark ( is a multilingual blogging platform designed for individuals with a focus on the criticism of Islam. It was launched in July 2013 by Ali Sina and is a project of Faith Freedom International.

According to the site, "The Internet provides the illusion of safety. Many people have lost their freedom and their lives when they spoke their minds on Facebook or Twitter. We created FreedomBulwark so you can speak freely and anonymously. We will also promote your blog and help you have an audience.

We want to empower those who wish to promote freedom, democracy, and peace through equality and justice. Peace cannot be founded on lies. Only truth will set us free."[1]

The project originally began in 2010 as Freedom Bulwark Resistance (,[2] a social networking platform and forum[3] for "individuals who are concerned with the spread of Islam."

See Also

  • Ali Sina
  • Websites - A hub page that leads to other articles about various websites

External Links


  1. "Welcome to Freedom", Freedom Bulwark, accessed February 8, 2014 (archived), 
  2. Ali Sina, "FreedomBulwark: A Bulwark Against Islamization", Faith Freedom International, June 1, 2010.
  3. Freedom Bulwark Resistance/ Forum