From WikiIslam, the online resource on Islam
The most complete list of websites related to Islam
 Featured Site
Money Jihad "This blog is dedicated to exposing how the enemies of America finance themselves. Here we shine a light on: Terrorist funding, The economies & military expenses of Middle Eastern countries, Sharia finance, Islamic taxation"
Atheist/Agnostic The newest site by former Muslim Dr. Ali Sina, the founder of Faith Freedom International and the author of "Understanding Muhammad". It features brand new content and a selection of his debates and articles from FFI
Ayan Hirsi Ali Website of Dutch politician Ayan Hirsi Alì, in English, French, German and Dutch. Ayan is an atheist libertarian ex-Muslim, from Somalia
Faith Freedom International The site by former Muslim and author of "Understanding Muhammad", Ali Sina, with articles, debates, news updates, and an active Forum
| A work in progress by an ex-Muslim turned atheist who had previously been very active in defending Islam, "Purpose of this site will not be bashing Muslims but to educate people in particular Muslims about Islam. The glorified version of Islam and Muhammad that Muslims learn while growing up... is not true"
Islam Watch Founded by former Muslims hailing mainly from South Asia. A website about the questionable teachings of Islam that made them abandon their religion
Taslima Nasrin Former Muslim from Bangladesh, whose books have been banned in her country. In 1993, Islamic fundamentalists announced a Fatwa against her, offering a bounty for her death
Turan Dursun Turan Dursun was an Islamic scholar and mufti of Sivas, in Turkey, before becoming an atheist and his subsequent assasination. "In this site you will find the views as presented by Turkish atheists, agnostics and pantheists, about the religion in general, but especially the effects of Islam to our society"
Unofficial Ibn Warraq Site "Ibn Warraq has no website. That is why I decided to group everything that Ibn Warraq has ever written together... He is always extremely thorough on everything. I do not want his works to be ignored, so I collated all his online works here"
Abrahamic Faith Web site by an ex-Muslim from Pakistan. "This site shows you end times prophecy and teaches you many things about the true faith of the first century disciples of Yahushua/Jesus"
Walid Shoebat Website of former-Muslim and author, Walid Shoebat, who has "spoken all over America and the world including Chile, Mexico, Canada, UK and South Africa. He has appeared on national television also all over the world including CNN, CNN International, FOX News, ITN, RTE, NBC, CBS, and ABC"
Isaac Schrödinger Blog from Pakistan-born ex-Muslim, Isaac Schrödinger, now living in Canada
Islamo-Criticism A blog created by a WikiIslam editor focusing on the critique of Islam. Also includes news, commentary, responses to criticism of WikiIslam and much more. All views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the views of WikiIslam
Kafir Girl Blogging the Qur'an with wit. From a Pakistan-born ex-Muslim. "I’m Kafir Girl, your everyday Pakistani American ex-Muslim twenty-something atheist. How’s that for a mouthful?"
Reflections of a Pakistani Atheist Blog from a Pakistani ex-Muslim. "This website is my way of catharsis; this is where I look at Pakistan and Pakistani culture from the eyes of an Atheist insider"
The Skeptic Mind "This is a blog to reflect the Liberal, Free-thinking views, to express rational and skeptical opinions and to criticise religion, dogma, superstition, anything that could be perceived as irrational, illogical and against human rights"
Former Muslims United Organisation founded by Nonie Darwish, Mohammed Asghar, Amil Imani, Wafa Sultan and Ibn Warraq "to educate the American public and policymakers about the need for Muslims to repudiate the threat from authoritative Shariah to the religious freedom and safety of former Muslims"
Living by the point of my Spear Zaki Ameen was raised as a Muslim, studied to get a degree in Sharia law to become a qualified Imam. This site is about a book that he has written and contains some extracts
The 3 ex-terrorists "Three former terrorist campaign for freedom and expose the agenda of Radical Islamism, which permeates the Muslim world and Western societies"