Miss Logical (former Muslim)
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Testimony of Leaving Islam
Leaving Islam was a gradual process for me.
It began when I read a psychology book about schizophrenia. The symptoms and behaviors of schizophrenia sounded a lot like those that Mohammad had shown (hallucinations, seizures, delusions). So it was as I went down this train of thought that I began to question Islam more. On the surface it is disguised as a peaceful, beautiful, miraculous religion, with it's mesmerizing verses, calligraphy, breathtaking mosques. But this is all just a front. As I began to scratch the surface of this front, the truth began to rear it's ugly head. Bloodshed, genocide, child-brides, slaves, wars, conversions; are all the legacy of Islam. I felt sick to my stomach that I had ever followed such a religion.
I think the last straw was when I read about right hand possessions (slave girls who were the wives/sisters/daughters of the men Muslims had killed in battle), and how the Muslim men slept with these women sometimes on the same night that their brothers and husbands had been killed. I was then fully convinced that the Qur'an could never be the word of God. A religion which had caused so much death, war, rape and bloodshed at it's very conception, could never be the one true religion it claims to be.
Muslims today claim that terrorism is ruining Islam, but they are too blind and brainwashed to see that Islam was ruined from day one.
Today, I feel proud to be called an apostate and a kafir. It is a compliment to me that I have no association with that religion!