Muslim Statistics (Marriage)
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For statistics specifically concerning honor violence against women, see Honor Violence. For child-marriages and the abuse of children, see Children. For general danger to women and other statistics, see Women.
Divorce Rates
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Statistics from Iran's National Organization for Civil Registration show that currently for every seven marriages one divorce is registered. In Tehran, that rises to a staggering one divorce registered for every 3.76 marriages.
The number of divorces in the Iranian calendar year just ended was 125,747, a rise of nearly 50 per cent from 2005, the year Ahmadinejad took office, when the figure was 84,241.
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A study carried out by Shahid Beheshti University found that 80 per cent of divorces that took place within the first five years of marriage were instigated by women.
Sexual dissatisfaction is cited as one of the main reasons behind divorce in Iran, something that society and the government, for social and religious reasons, denied for a long time. However, in December 2008, Mohammad Javad Haj-Ali Akbari, an Ahmadinejad deputy and then head of the NYO, acknowledged it for the first time at a news conference.
The dean of Allameh Tabatabai University's faculty of psychology, Ahmad Borjali, recently named sexual problems as the reason for the majority of divorces in the country, adding, "This shows the importance of sex education before marriage."[2]Kuwait
Divorce rates among Muslims is five-times higher than among non-Muslims
The consequences have been devastating. Nigeria has the highest maternal mortality rate in Africa and one of the world’s highest rates of fistula, a condition that can occur when the pressure of childbirth tears a hole between the vagina and the bladder or rectum. Many women are left incontinent for life. Up to 800,000 women suffer from fistula in Nigeria.
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Dr Waaldijk operates on up to 600 women a year, with no electricity or running water... Some have been divorced by their husbands - it is estimated that up to half of adolescent girls in northern Nigeria are divorced... The Nigerian federal Government has attempted to outlaw child marriage. In 2003 it passed the Child Rights Act, prohibiting marriage under the age of 18. In the Muslim northern states, though, there has been fierce resistance to the Act, with many people portraying it as antiIslamic.
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Half of Nigeria’s 36 states have passed the Act, but it has been adopted by only one of the dozen Muslim states - and even that one made a crucial amendment substituting the age of 18 for the term “puberty”.
Based on this study, more than half of divorces in Qatar are the result of women disobeying their husband: in at least 20% of divorces the women behaved badly and 36% were caused by insolent behaviour by women. Some 17% of divorces are caused by women refusing to do their household chores. In 9% of the cases the husband decides to divorce out of jealousy, but also in these cases women are to blame, because they made their husband jealous by leaving the house on their own. One in three wives in Qatar suffer physical or psychological violence from the side of their husband, but this is not one of the listed causes for divorce in the survey.[9]
Saudi Arabia
The court registers 40 marriages and 20 divorces a day.
Sheikh Saleh stressed the high price children pay when their parents divorce, including behavioral disorders, depression, addiction and low school performance.
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A study conducted by Dr. Ebtisam Halawani at King Abdul Aziz University revealed that the main reason most women left their spouses was ill-treatment and violence. Most divorces occur during the first three years of marriage, the study said.
Polygamy, according to Abdullah Al-Fawzan, a professor and sociologist at King Saud University in Riyadh, is responsible for up to 55 percent of divorces. He added that the loss of trust, sincerity, compassion and cooperation were also factors in the failure of marriages.
The involvement of husbands in illicit relationships is a factor according to 38 percent of divorcees. Since few couples can get to know each other before getting married, the incompatibility and misunderstanding that can arise as a result often lead to separation, Professor Fawzan added.
According to the Ministry of Planning, 70,000 marriages and 13, 000 divorces were recorded last year. In Riyadh, there were 3, 000 divorces out of 8,500 marriages that took place in 2002.
Makkah had the largest number of divorcees (396, 248), followed by Riyadh (327, 427), the Eastern Province (228, 093), and Asir (130, 812).
If the trend continues, there will be eight million single women in the Kingdom by the end of the decade, according to Dr. Ebtisam Halawani’s study.[10]The report also said that some of the divorces had taken place during the first year which apparently means the marriage lasted only a few months. A poll taken in 2008 showed that in the past 20 years, the divorce rate in Saudi Arabia rose from 25 to 60 percent.[11]
The number of divorces is increasing, with nearly 62 percent of marriages ending in divorce.
The daily said 25,403 Saudi women between 30 and 34 years of age were divorced in 2008, followed by 21,430 women aged between 35 and 39.
The report put the total number of Saudi women who got divorce that year at 128,090, the newspaper said.
The report also revealed that the majority of 14,589 Saudi men who divorced their wives in 2008 were aged between 40 and 44. It said 63,616 Saudi men aged between 35 and 80 years remain single, and 31,678 of them were aged between 35 and 39 years.
More than 2,000 men in their 70s or 80s have never got married, according to the report.
Earlier studies indicated that by 2015, Saudi Arabia will have at least 5 million spinsters.
The number of divorces is increasing in the Kingdom, with nearly 62 percent of marriages ending in divorce.[12]Divorce rates spike during the Eid and holiday break.
Marriage consultant Muhammad Al-Ahmadi told Arab News there were various other reasons for divorce, the most important of which of course was the financial circumstances of the couple.
"Differences leading to divorce can easily happen over petty things, such as visits to relatives, travel during the Eid holidays, the type of food served on the occasion and whether to let children to go out to play," he said.
There have been some comical stories about Eid divorces. A local newspaper reported that a man divorced his two wives because they insisted that he buy them new clothes for the occasion. It reported another man divorced his wife because she refused to go with him to visit his sister and insisted on going to her mother instead.
However, a survey of couples conducted by Al-Mawadah Center for Family Consultancy did not entirely blame Eid expenses for family breakdowns. According to the survey, half of respondents did not believe that differences over Eid expenses were the main cause for divorce.
About 63 percent did not believe that Eid was an occasion to further strengthen family ties while 37 percent did.
A third approved of marriages during Eid, while 27 percent did not.
A recent report released by the Ministry of Justice said there were 9,233 divorces in Saudi Arabia in 2010. It revealed Makkah region topped all other regions with 2,518 divorce cases (27 percent of total divorces). The Eastern Province was second with 1,970 divorces and Madinah province occupied third place with 1,198 divorces.[13]Singapore
In 2010, 14.7 percent of all Muslim men divorcing had been divorced before, compared to only 3.9 percent of non-Muslims.[14]
However, a divorce has massive drawbacks for the woman, which, in many cases, will prevent her from seeking a divorce.
There is, for example, after a divorce no alimony, if the woman is childless.
For children, however, even when the mother obtains the custody (which is common in Tunisia), the father keeps the right of determining the residence of the children.[15]Turkey
There are also striking differences in the pattern of divorce cases developing as well. For example, divorce rates in the eastern and southeastern Anatolia regions increased for the first time in history according to the data provided by the government. In contrast to the 1980s and ‘90s, during which divorcees vied with each other over child custody, the newly divorced now don’t want the responsibility of looking after their children.[16]
United Arab Emirates
United States
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Today, that rate seems to be increasing.
“Divorce is on the rise in the Muslim community,” said Imam Mohamed Magid, vice president of the Islamic Society of North America, and Imam and executive director of the Dulles, Virginia based All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center. “We have seen an increase in divorce from people married for a while and those married for a short time,” he said, adding that Muslims across the board are getting divorced in higher numbers. “It is not among a particular race or ethnic background or class or only among the religious or non-religious.”[18]Domestic Violence
South Mediterranean Region
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The reason is they are having such a life that they cannot tolerate anymore all this kind of violence. So I believe that the main reason is this that we have a strong culture of impunity that gives woman no hope and no choice to go and ask for justice.[21]
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Some of the women convicted of "zina" are guilty of nothing more than running away from forced marriages or violent husbands.
Human rights activists say hundreds of those behind bars are victims of domestic violence.[22]Bangladesh
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There is a significant overlap between women who have experienced physical violence and sexual violence: 48% of rural women and 41% of urban women who ever-experienced partner violence reported having experienced both.
No legislation criminalizes sexual violence within marriage in Bangladesh, and forced sex, or rape, within marriage is prevalent[25]Egypt
CEWLA’s report also showed that the perpetrators of violence were males in 75 percent of the cases and women represented 25 percent. The perpetrators were the husbands (52 percent), the fathers (10 percent), brothers (10 percent), the mothers (four percent) the rest were the sons, relatives of the husband or of the wife, the step father or the step mother. The types of violence were murder (76 percent), attempt to murder (5 percent), battering (18 percent), kidnapping 2.5 percent and the rest were different types such as burning property, forcing women to sign checks and become guarantors of men, accusation of insanity, etc.
The report indicated that causes of violence were honor crimes (42 percent), leaving the house without the husband’s approval (7.5 percent), wives asking for divorce (3 percent).[27]Iran
“One-fifth of Iraqi women are subjected to two types of violence, physical and psychological, constituting a very serious danger to the family and society,” Zaidi said at a conference dedicated to fighting violence against women.
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83% of Jordanian women approve of wife beating if the woman cheats on her husband
60% approve of wife beating in cases where the wife burns a meal she's cooking
52% approve of wife beating in case where she's refused to follow the husband’s orders[32]
In addition, the vast majority of women appear to accept domestic violence as an inevitable part of married life: 90% of women questioned in the 2007 DHS stated that they agreed with at least one of a list of five ‘reasons’ justifying a man beating his wife.[34]
Nearly half of the population considers it acceptable for men to beat their wives in certain circumstances. Survey data from the 2003-2004 DHS support this reality; when given a list of five reasons why a man might be justified in beating his wife, nearly 64 percent of women agreed with at least one reason.[37][38]
According to statistics from her ministry, 6 million women in Morocco are victims of violence, or around one in three.[39]
Nettavisen had intended to write an article about the Norwegian Christmas holiday, Christmas dinners, Christmas beer, Christmas Aquavit and Christmas brawls in Norwegian households.
The hypothesis was that the number of incidences of domestic violence would increase when people have time off and when they consume more alcohol.
That’s not the case in Oslo. According to the domestic violence coordinator and assistant police chief Stein Erik Olsen the ‘Norwegian Christmas violence theory’ is simply a myth, on par with the myth that more burglaries are committed during holidays.
“70 percent of domestic violence cases involve families with a different ethnic background. The cultures concerned don’t touch alcohol and they don’t celebrate Christmas.”
And he adds:
“Our experience from Stovner [immigrant suburb of Oslo] is that the number of domestic violence cases declines during Ramadan.”
Olsen doesn’t wish to speculate why that is the case.
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In 2009, efforts were in progress to come out with a new domestic violence law in Pakistan. A private bill on domestic violence had been passed in the National Assembly in 2009, which required approval by the Pakistani Senate.
However, the Council of Islamic Ideology’s (CII) warning that a law against domestic violence will ‘push up divorce rates’ coupled with Mohammad Khan Sheerani’s objections (of the JUI-F), led to a deferment of the hearing in the Senate. Since then the government has not paid much attention to the matter and the bill has lapsed, The Express Tribune reports.[43]Palestine
"Violence against women in Gaza basically means domestic violence," says research consultant Aitemad Muhanna. "Women are beaten by their husbands, beaten by their fathers, and even beaten by their brothers." Women are beaten for not fulfilling traditional roles — such as cooking, cleaning, or tending to their appearance — to a husband's satisfaction. Other abuses include harsh insults, sexual abuse among family, and marital rape.[44]
Some 55.8 percent of women who have no education or have not finished primary education are subjected to violence, while 27.2 percent of women with at least a high school diploma or higher are the victims, the study said.
Some 48.5 percent of women experience some form of violence but do not disclose their victimization, the study said, adding that women with a lower income (54.1 percent) were more likely to stay silent about being assaulted than women with more education (37.5 percent).
Some 23.4 percent of women have been forced by men to quit their jobs or have been prevented from working; in the lower-income category, this figure is 21.5 percent while it is 21.2 percent for those with higher incomes.
Altogether, 33.7 percent of women said they considered suicide as a solution to their problems. For those with less education, this number is 34.1 percent, while 37.6 of higher educated women have also considered taking their own lives.[48]Miscellaneous
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Surveys suggest most in France do not object to mixed marriages, but in the suburbs the researchers were surprised find “a very large proportion of Muslim respondents said they were opposed to marriages with non-Muslims.”[52]
Turkey is the most promiscuous nation on earth, with the average Turk having had 14.5 sexual partners. The world average is 9 sexual partners (Indian and Chinese have had only 3 partners).
United Kingdom
Unlike other people groups, it is the younger generation of UK Muslims that hold the more prejudiced views.

In 2007, the think tank Policy Exchange published a detailed poll of Muslim opinion that covered most issues relevant to the position of the community in modern Britain.
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- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Anna Jozwik, "Breaking the Bonds That Bind", Syria Today, January 2009 (archived from the original),
- ↑ Mehdi Baghernejad, "Iran Worries About Soaring Divorce Rate", Mianeh, April 18, 2010 (archived),
- ↑ Rena Sadeghi, "Divorce Rate In Kuwait 50pc ... And Rising", Arab Times, November 1, 2013 (archived),
- ↑ Joanne - Stemming the 'I divorce you' trend - International Campaign Against Honour Killings, November 6, 2006
- ↑ Ian MacKinnon - 'Obedient Wife Club' set up to curb divorce - The Telegraph, June 3, 2011
- ↑ "Highest divorce rate", Guinness World Records, accessed March 21, 2014 (archived),
- ↑ "Nigeria Child Brides-Broken Lives", Times Online, November 28, 2008 (archived),
- ↑ Inam Rao, "Divorce rates climb", Pakistan Today, June 26, 2011 (archived),
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Qatar: divorce peak caused by women, survey - ANSAmed, February 23, 2012
- ↑ Somayya Jabarti - Alarming Divorce Rate ‘Must Be Addressed Urgently’ - Arab News, October 24, 2003
- ↑ Laura Bashraheel, "Divorce on the rise in the Kingdom", Arab News, February 7, 2010 (archived),
- ↑ Divorce rate high among women in their 30s - Arab News, March 4, 2011
- ↑ MD Humaidan, "Divorces spike during summer break, Eid holiday", Arab News, September 7, 2011 (archived),
- ↑ Liz Leslie, "Divorce Rates Higher In Muslim Community In Singapore", Muslim Voices, March 28, 2012 (archived),
- ↑ "Marriage and Divorce in Tunisia, Cohabitation", TunisPro, accessed November 1, 2013 (archived),
- ↑ Ercan Yavuz, "Prime Ministry survey: Divorce rate on rise in Turkey", TodaysZaman, October 25, 2010 (archived),
- ↑ Najla Al Awadhi, "Divorce and its impact on the UAE society", Al Arabiya, October 1, 2007 (archived),
- ↑ Samana Siddiqui, "Divorce among American Muslims: Statistics, Challenges & Solutions", Sound Vision, August 7, 2009 (archived),
- ↑ Mediterranean: EU Study, Domestic Violence Between 40%, 75% - ANSAmed, May 9, 2011
- ↑ Atia Abawi - Afghan women hiding for their lives - CNN, September 24, 2009
- ↑ Afghan govt launches campaign against self-immolation - ABC Radio Australia, September 8, 2011
- ↑ Orla Guerin - EU censors own film on Afghan women prisoners - BBC News, November 10, 2011
- ↑ Tortured Afghan child bride slowly recovering - AFP, January 12, 2012
- ↑ "WHO Multi-country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence against Women", World Health Organization, p. 83, ISBN 92 41 59358 X, 2005,
- ↑ Johnston, Heidi Bart and Ruchira Tabassum Naved (2008) “Spousal Violence in Bangladesh: A Call for a Public-health Response”, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, Vol. 26, No. 3 (September), pp. 366-377.
- ↑ "From research to legislation: ICDDR,B celebrates the passing of the Domestic Violence Act in Bangladesh", International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, October 21, 2010 (archived),
- ↑ Manar Ammar - Two honor killings hit Egypt’s Alexandria - Bikya Masr, February 26, 2012
- ↑ Maryam Nayeb-Yazdi - The violence that may never end -, February 15, 2006
- ↑ Afif Sarhan - Iraq’s Domestic Violence Plight - Islam Online, May 31, 2009
- ↑ One in five Iraqi women subjected to abuse - AFP, November 26, 2011
- ↑ Yara Bayoumy & Aseel Kami - ‘Honor killings’ require tougher laws, say Iraqi women - Reuters, March 6, 2012
- ↑ Natasha Tynes - Disturbing report on wife beating in Jordan - Mental Mayhem, April 10, 2005
- ↑ All together now: YES for wife beatings! - 360 East, May 7, 2006
- ↑ "Gender Equality in Jordan", Social Institutions and Gender Index, May 2012 (archived),
- ↑ "LEBANON: Move to take domestic violence cases out of religious courts", IRIN, September 23, 2009 (archived),
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Sadiqi (2010) p.316
- ↑ Ministère de la Santé et al. (2005), Table 3.11
- ↑ "Gender Equality in Morocco", Social Institutions and Gender Index, May 2012 (archived),
- ↑ Brianna Taylor - Morocco women struggle against violence from husbands - Bikya Masr, October 7, 2012
- ↑ Ethnics account for 70 percent of family violence in Oslo - Kjetil Mæland, Nettavisen, December 8, 2011 (English translation)
- ↑ PAKISTAN: Domestic violence endemic, but awareness slowly rising - The Advocates, March 11, 2008
- ↑ Violence against women rises by 13% Violence against women rises by 13% - The Express Tribune, June 29, 2010.
- ↑ ‘50% Pakistan urban women get beaten by their husbands’ - ANI, March 17, 2012
- ↑ Doug Alexander - Addressing Violence Against Palestinian Women - The International Development Research Centre, June 23, 2000
- ↑ "Gender Equality in Somalia", Social Institutions and Gender Index, May 2012 (archived),
- ↑ "Gender Equality in Tajikistan", Social Institutions and Gender Index, May 2012 (archived),
- ↑
- ↑ Murder a fact of life for women in Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News, February 20, 2011
- ↑ Yonca Poyraz Doğan - Women's groups outraged by Cabinet's drastic changes to violence bill draft - Today's Zaman, March 1, 2012
- ↑ Gender-based violence nearly doubles in 3 years, report says - Today's Zaman, May 7, 2012
- ↑ Gender-based violence leading cause of death for women aged 15-44 - Today's Zaman, August 10, 2012
- ↑ French suburbs turn away from state and towards Islam: scientist - AFP, October 6, 2011
- ↑ Durex 2005 Global Sex Survey results (p. 6)
- ↑ David Whitley - In statistics: love around the world - NineMSN, accessed March 23, 2013
- ↑ Denis MacEoin, David G. Green, "Sharia Law or 'One Law For All'?", Civitas: Institute for the Study of Civil Society London, pp. 12-15, June, 2009 (archived),