Muslim Statistics (Shari'ah)
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There are 4 places in the world that still have beheading as a method of execution. Every single one is officially Islamic.
There are 5 places in the world that still have amputation as a form of legal punishment. Every single one is officially Islamic.
In 2012 there were 7 known countries in the world where the state could execute you for being atheist. Every single one was officially Islamic.

The annual “freedom of thought” report from the International Humanist and Ethical Union, an advocacy umbrella group that represents and seeks to protect non-religious people, details laws and practices around the world that punish or restrict atheism. The group presented the report to the United Nations today.
The report tracks, among other things, which countries have laws explicitly targeting atheists. There are not many, but the states that forbid non-religiousness – typically as part of “anti-blasphemy” legislation – include seven nations where atheism is punishable by death. All seven establish Islam as the state religion. Though that list includes some dictatorships, the country that appears to most frequently condemn atheists to death for their beliefs is actually a democracy, if a frail one: Pakistan. Others include Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, the West African state of Mauritania, and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. These countries are colored red on the above map.
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Some countries, according to the report, also codify possible prison sentences for atheists (these countries are indicated in orange on the map). These laws, however, can be difficult to distinguish from restrictions against “religious incitement,” which are common in much of the world, including in atheist-friendly Western Europe. But the report indicates that, in countries such as Egypt or Indonesia, the laws appear to be used to specifically target citizens who, for example, publicly profess their own atheism.
There are 9 places in the world that still have stoning as a form of legal punishment. Every single one is officially Islamic.
There are now 13 countries in the world where the state can execute you for being atheist. Every single one is officially Islamic.
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The study, The Freethought Report 2013, was issued by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), a global body uniting atheists, agnostics and other religious skeptics, to mark United Nations' Human Rights Day on Tuesday.
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A first survey of 60 countries last year showed just seven where death, often by public beheading, is the punishment for either blasphemy or apostasy - renouncing belief or switching to another religion which is also protected under U.N. accords.
Muslim World

Asked whether Shari'a should be the only source of legislation, one of the sources of legislation, or not be a source of legislation, most Muslims believed it should at least be a source of legislation. Support was particularly strong in Jordan, Palestine, and Egypt, where approximately two-thirds of Muslim respondents stated that the Shari'a must be the only source of legislation; while the remaining third believed that it must be "one of the sources of legislation." By comparison, in Lebanon and Syria, a majority (nearly two thirds in Lebanon and just over half in Syria) favored the view that Shari'a must be one of the sources of legislation.
These findings are from surveys in Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, and Indonesia conducted from December 2006 to February, 2007 by with support from the START Consortium at the University of Maryland.
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A Pew poll released on December 2, 2010, found that even today “The majority of Muslims would favor changing current laws in their countries to “allow stoning as punishment for adultery, hand amputation for theft, and death for those who convert from Islam as their religion”.[10]

The use of the death penalty (hangings, decapitations, etc.) to implement the Shari'ah continues to increase year by year.
The sentences were carried out by hanging, decapitation and execution by firing squad. These figures emerged from the 2011 report presented today in Rome by the association 'Nessuno tocchi Caino' (Hands Off Cain).
Worldwide 24 of the 47 countries with a Muslim majority practice capital punishment; 18 of these have a judicial system that explicitly refers to the Sharia. There is only one Islamic country, Iran, that applied the death penalty in 2010 and in the first six months of 2011 to minors who were under the age of 18 when they committed their crime. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Mauritania and Egypt also sentenced minors to death, but did not execute the penalty.
The Sharia has been applied through hanging, decapitation and execution by firing squad. In Iran, Nigeria and Pakistan people have been sentenced to death by stoning, but there are no reports of actual executions by this method, though stoning is used without regular trials in Somalia, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Hanging, often in public, is the most widespread method. The Iranian version is particularly cruel: in this country a crane or a low platform is used that causes the convicts to die a slow and painful death. The only country to apply decapitation is Saudi Arabia. In 2010 there were 27 executions, less than half of the number recorded in 2009 (at least 69), but the number of decapitations increased significantly in 2011 (34 on July 25).[12]Europe
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Some of the women convicted of "zina" are guilty of nothing more than running away from forced marriages or violent husbands.
Human rights activists say hundreds of those behind bars are victims of domestic violence.[15]. . .
Virtually all teenage girls held in prison are accused of immorality, either extramarital sex or running away, and around half of adult women inmates.
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The report by Human Rights Watch found many inmates had fled a forced marriage, or violent husbands and in-laws.
The report also states support for extremism is just as high among Muslims born in Canada, or other Western countries, as it is among those hailing from oppressive dictatorships.[19]
The Muslim Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill the Qur'an and Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ...ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state".[20]
Six in 10 want to see Islamic law strictly enforced, compared to just six percent who feel it should have no influence.
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Even though they live in Europe, 56 percent declared that they should not adapt too much to Western ways, but should live by Islam. More than a third insisted that if it serves the Islamic community, they are ready to use violence against nonbelievers. Almost 40 percent said that Zionism, the European Union and the United States threaten Islam."[23]
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The survey showed that of Muslims living in Germany who were not German citizens [more than half of the four million Muslims in Germany], 52 percent favored integration, while 48 percent “strongly leaned toward separation” and clearly rejected German majority culture.[24]
A survey by Transparency International Indonesia found that an understanding of corruption in the Shariah-based Aceh province was lowest compared to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and East Java.
“It shows that there was no correlation between the implementation of Shariah law, living in one of the poorest provinces, or living in a multicultural society, with the level of understanding of corruption and breaking the law. Young people in these provinces understand what corruption is, and they also have experience in bribing officials,” Transparency International Indonesia’s youth program coordinator, Lia Toriana, said in a discussion at the secretariat of Malang Corruption Watch (MCW) in Malang, East Java, on Thursday.
A survey conducted between July and December last year found that only 31 percent of respondents in Aceh had a high level of awareness of the negative effects of corruption on society, compared to 54 percent in East Java and 55 percent in NTT.
“Their level of understanding of the bad effects of corruption is a measure of their integrity, which means no lying, no cheating,” Lia said.[25]Iran
The report, obtained by the AFP news agency, said 200 officially announced executions had taken place in 2011 with at least 83, including those of three political prisoners, in January alone.
Highlighting a jail in Mashhad, in eastern Iran, the report said "authorities reportedly conducted more than 300 secret executions at Vakilabad prison in 2010".
"It has also been reported that at least 146 secret executions have taken place to date in 2011," it said.
"Vakilabad officials, in violation of Iranian law, allegedly carried out the executions without the knowledge or presence of the inmates' lawyers or families and without prior notification to those executed."
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[Ahmed Shaheed, the new UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran] also noted that four per cent of executions stipulated no charges, that 100 juveniles were on death row, and that more than 100 executions this year alone were for drug-related offences.
The report, which is to be presented to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, details a raft of abuses from the denial of women's rights to torture, but the most shocking data was the skyrocketing rate of executions.
Human Rights Watch counted 388 executions in Iran in 2010, while Amnesty International put the figure at 252, ranking the Islamic republic second only to China in the number of people put to death last year.
Tehran says the death penalty is essential to maintain law and order, and that it is applied only after exhaustive judicial proceedings.
Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are among the crimes punishable by death in Iran.[27]Iran executes more people per capita than any other nation and the extremely high numbers killed for drug dealing and sexual orientation has provoked worldwide concern.
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There are 40,000 Muslims in Ireland or circa 1% of the population
It found 28% of young Muslims aged between 16 and 26 believe violence for political ends is sometimes justified.
More than half of young Muslims—57%—believe Ireland should become an Islamic State.
Almost one-in-five—19%—said they “respect” al-Qa’ida terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden, but the same number of those polled supported US President George Bush. However, the findings generally reveal strong liberal opinions among Irish-based Muslims. [32][33]Maldives
A total of 129 fornication cases were filed last year and 104 people sentenced, out of which 93 were female. This includes 10 underage girls (below 18), 79 women between age 18-40 and and four women above 40 years.
Of the 11 males who were sentenced, only one was a minor, with the others aged between 25-40.
Compared to 2010, the overall sentences in fornication increased by 23 percent in 2011, but the number of males sentenced for flogging decreased by 15 percent while the women increased by 30 percent.
According to Maldivian law, a person found guilty of fornication is subjected to 100 lashes and sentenced to one year of house arrest or banishment while a minor’s flogging is postponed until she or he reaches 18.[34]Norway
Support for Sharia Laws: August, 2009[37]
Aspect of Sharia Law Favor Oppose Dont know Stoning adulterers 83% 8% 9% Whipping/cutting off hands of thieves 80% 12% 9% Death penalty if leave Islam 78% 13% 9% Give power to religious judges 71% 13% 16%
Saudi Arabia
In June, London-based watchdog Amnesty International called on Saudi Arabia to stop applying the death penalty, saying there had been a significant rise in the number of executions in the previous six weeks.
It said 15 people were executed in May alone.
Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia's strict interpretation of Islamic sharia law.[41]The latest beheadings bring the total number of executions in the country this year to 58, more than twice the figure for the whole of 2010.
It says many of those executed in recent years have been foreign nationals, mostly migrant workers from developing countries.[42]Sudan
In accordance with sharia law, apostasy – leaving Islam – is punishable by death in Sudan, although nobody has been executed for the “crime” in nearly 20 years. Almost 170 people were however jailed or charged in 2011 and 2012.
The danger for converts has increased following the secession of South Sudan in July 2011; Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has repeatedly stated his intention to strengthen sharia law, making the country 100% Islamic.[44]Turkey
United Kingdom
More than 60 percent of British Muslims want Shari'ah law in the UK
1 out of 3 British Muslims aged 16 to 24 believe that Muslim apostates should be executed.
Nearly a third of 16 to 24-year-olds believed that those converting to another religion should be executed, while less than a fifth of those over 55 believed the same. The survey claimed that British authorities and some Muslim groups have exaggerated the problem of Islamophobia and fuelled a sense of victimhood among some Muslims: 84% said they believed they had been well treated in British society, though only 28% thought the authorities had gone over the top in trying not to offend Muslims.[47]
The ICM opinion poll also indicates that a fifth have sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the suicide bombers who attacked London last July 7, killing 52 people, although 99 per cent thought the bombers were wrong to carry out the atrocity.
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The most startling finding is the high level of support for applying sharia law in "predominantly Muslim" areas of Britain.
Forty per cent of the British Muslims surveyed said they backed introducing sharia in parts of Britain, while 41 per cent opposed it. Twenty per cent felt sympathy with the July 7 bombers' motives, and 75 per cent did not. One per cent felt the attacks were "right".
Nearly two thirds thought the video images shown last week of British troops beating Iraqi youths were symptomatic of a wider problem in Iraq. Half did not think the soldiers would be "appropriately punished".
Half of the 500 people surveyed said relations between white Britons and Muslims were getting worse. Only just over half thought the conviction of the cleric Abu Hamza for incitement to murder and race hatred was fair.[48]. . .
However, they operate behind doors that are closed to independent observers and their decisions are likely to be unfair to women and backed by intimidation, a report by independent think-tank Civitas said.[49]
32% of British Muslim students support killing for Islam; 40% want Shari'ah Law
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In an ironic twist, this survey and its shocking poll results were made available only through the Wikileaks leaking of Julian Assange. The poll was revealed as part of a secret, diplomatic cable that emerged from the US Embassy in London.
Other results in the pro-Islamist survey results are also troublesome. For instance, more than half of all British Muslim students insist on being represented by a political party that is Islam-based. The clear-cut, overwhelming theme in this poll data from this leaked cable relates to the fact that many Muslims even in so-called civilized countries like Britain still want to relapse to the Middle Ages (or earlier, even) by making Islam central in all aspects of their true-believing lives.[50]United States
81% of Detroit Muslims want Shari'ah in Muslim countries
Apply Islamic Law in Muslim Lands
Strongly Agree — 59%
Somewhat Agree — 22%
Somewhat Disagree — 8%
Strongly Disagree — 3%
- ↑ "New Study Details Islamic World's Democracy Deficit", Freedom House, December 18, 2001 (archived),
- ↑ Susan Taylor Martin, "Horror is the point of recent beheadings", St. Petersburg Times, September 23, 2004 (archived),
- ↑ Bruce Pannier, "Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty", Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, January 7, 2008 (archived),,4565c2252,45d0822f2,478b625016062,0.html.
- ↑ Max Fisher - The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist - The Washington Post, December 10, 2012
- ↑ "Freedom of Thought 2012: A Global Report on Discrimination Against Humanists, Atheists and the Non-religious", The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), December 10, 2012
- ↑ Emma Batha, "Special report: The punishment was death by stoning. The crime? Having a mobile phone", The Independent, September 29, 2013 (archived),
- ↑ Robert Evans, "Atheists face death in 13 countries, global discrimination: study", Reuters, December 9, 2013 (archived),
- ↑ Revisiting the Arab Street, Research from within (Pg.52) - Center for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan, February 2005
- ↑ Muslims Believe US Seeks to Undermine Islam -, accessed January 7, 2013
- ↑ Devonia Smith - Pew Poll: Most Muslims favor law to allow Islam stoning , amputation & death - Examiner, December 8, 2010
- ↑ Survey Reports - Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah - Pew Research Center, December 2, 2010
- ↑ Death Sentence: More Hangings and Decapitations for Sharia - ANSAmed, August 4, 2011
- ↑ Anna Tomforde - Amnesty: Executions in Middle East up 50 percent in 2011 - Bikya Masr, March 27, 2012
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Ruud Koopmans, "Fundamentalism and out-group hostility", WZB Mitteilungen, December 2013 (archived),
- ↑ Orla Guerin - EU censors own film on Afghan women prisoners - BBC News, November 10, 2011
- ↑ Ben Farmer - 400 women and girls held in Afghanistan for 'moral crimes' - The Telegraph, March 28, 2012
- ↑ Over 6,000 women repressed last year - The Daily Star, January 3, 2012
- ↑ Keeping Islam Pure in Europe - The Brussels Journal, December 8, 2005
- ↑ Kris Sims - Strong support for Shariah in Canada - Toronto Sun, November 1, 2011
- ↑ The Principles of The Muslim Brotherhood - Ikhwan Web, February 1, 2010
- ↑ Elad Benari - Poll: 35% of Egyptians Support Muslim Brotherhood - Arutz Sheva, September 28, 2011
- ↑ Charlene Gubash - Poll: Most Egyptians think US aid billions have 'negative effect' - NBC News, May 8, 2012
- ↑ Zachary Shore - Where next? - The New York Times, July 15, 2005
- ↑ Many German Muslims 'refuse to integrate' - The Local, March 1, 2012
- ↑ Dyah Ayu Pitaloka, "Shariah Does Not Lower Corruption: Study", The Jakarta Globe, March 15, 2014 (archived),
- ↑ H. Tavakoli - New Dark Ages - The Iranian, September 20, 1999
- ↑ UN says secret executions widespread in Iran - Al Jazeera, October 18, 2011
- ↑ Religious minorities spent 3,776 months in prison in 2011 - Mohabat News, January 17, 2012
- ↑ Vanessa Greco - Iran using Malekpour as 'pawn in a bloody chess game' - CTV News, February 20, 2012
- ↑ Damien McElroy - Iran's use of death penalty criticised by Foreign Office - The Telegraph, June 1, 2012
- ↑ Lee Terrain - Iran Uses Machine to Amputate Criminal’s Finger in Public - ABC News, January 29, 2013
- ↑ Simon - Muslims in Ireland - Irish Election, December 19, 2006
- ↑ Muslims give their blessing: Vast majority very happy here, says poll - The (Irish) Independant, December 19, 2006
- ↑ Hawwa Lubna - Judicial statistics show 90 percent of those convicted for fornication are female - Minivan News, October 1, 2012
- ↑ Holdninger til integrasjon og internasjonal konflikter blant muslimer i Norge og den norske befolkningen generelt - TNS Gallup, April 2006, page 10 and 12 (Norwegian)
- ↑ Poll of Norwegian Muslims - Iceviking, June 23, 2006
- ↑ Pakistani Public Opinion, Growing Concerns about Extremism, Continuing Discontent with U.S.Religion, Law, and Society (Pg.3) - Pew Research Center, August 13, 2009
- ↑ Pakistan Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti shot dead - BBC News, March 2, 2011
- ↑ Rape, Zina and Incest - MuslimAccess, accessed July 14, 2011
- ↑ Weinberg, Jon, "Sword of Justice? Beheadings Rise in Saudi Arabia", Harvard International Review, Vol. 29, No. 4, Winter 2008 (archived),
- ↑ Saudi Arabia beheads Sudanese “sorcerer” - AFP/NOW Lebanon, September 19, 2011
- ↑ Anbarasan Ethirajan - Saudi beheading of eight Bangladesh workers condemned - BBC News, October 8, 2011
- ↑ Saudi woman beheaded for practising 'sorcery' - Agence France Presse, December 12, 2011
- ↑ "Converts to Christianity endangered in Sudanese crackdown", Barnabas Fund, July 24, 2013 (archived),
- ↑ 'Religion loves tolerance, but is not tolerant' - Hürriyet Daily News, November 17, 2009
- ↑ War torpedoes Labour’s Muslim backing - Asian News, January 3, 2005
- ↑ Stephen Bates, "More young Muslims back sharia, says poll", The Guardian, January 29, 2007 (archived),
- ↑ Patrick Hennessy and Melissa Kite, "Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK", The Telegraph, February 19, 2006 (archived from the original),
- ↑ Steve Doughty - Britain has 85 sharia courts: The astonishing spread of the Islamic justice behind closed doors - Mail Online, June 29, 2009
- ↑ Marc Schenker - 32% of British Muslim students support killing for Islam; 40% want Sharia Law - The Examiner, December 20, 2010
- ↑ Dr. Ihsan - The Detroit Mosque Study: Muslim Views on Policy and Religion (p. 37) - Institute for Social Policy Understanding, April 2004