Muslim Statistics (Women)
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This page contains statistics covering various women-related issues. For statistics specifically concerning honor violence or domestic abuse, see Honor Violence and Marriage. For child-marriages and the abuse of children, see Children.
Danger to Women
According to a 2011 survey conducted by TrustLaw, a legal news service run by the Thomson-Reuters Foundation, 3 of the 5 most dangerous countries for women (including the top-spot) are Muslim majorities, and in terms of cultural/tribal/religious danger to women, 4 of the 5 most dangerous countries are Muslim majorities.[1]

The 2009 report by the World Economic Forum has listed predominantly Islamic nations in the bottom of their annual Global Gender Gap (GGG) Index.....The only nation not predominantly Islamic in the bottom of the Global Gender Gap index was Benin.
In addition, the 2009 World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Index report does not include rankings on a number of significant and predominantly Islamic nations where women are oppressed. Somalia (population of nearly 10 million) was not included in the index. Endless numbers of reports of the stonings and Islamic supremacist abuses of women have been reported in Somalia in the past year, including the stoning to death of a 13 year old girl based on “Sharia law” in October 2008. Sudan (population of nearly 41 million) was also not included in the World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Index. Among other nations, Afghanistan (29 million) and Iraq (29 million) are also not included in this Global Gender Gap Index. With the index not reporting on these 109 million, the desperate fate of an estimated 50 plus million women are not included in this Global Gender Gap index report.
Even with these significant exclusions from the Global Gender Gap index report, the bottom 10 index nations (excluding Benin), which are all predominantly Islamic nations, represent a population of over half a billion individuals.....If women represent half of the population in these nations, then these bottom 10 predominantly Islamic nations demonstrate the ongoing oppression of an estimated 250 million women.

In addition, if some other predominantly Islamic nations in the bottom of the Global Gender Gap index are also added to these totals, the global image of the correlated oppression of women further expands dramatically. (Again, this is without such nations as Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., which were not included in the GGG index report analysis.)
If nine additional such nations in the GGG index are added, the total population impacted doubles from half a billion to over 1 billion.....If women represent half of the population in these nations, then these bottom ranked, predominantly Islamic nations demonstrate the ongoing oppression of an estimated 500 million women.

The Global Gender Gap report for 2011 found all five countries which scored lowest to be Muslim majorities.[3]
Fight for rights: Worst places to be female
Rated the worst of 135 countries for women by the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Report 2011. With limited access to education, Yemeni women take only two per cent of skilled jobs. Around 14 per cent of girls are married before the age of 15, and some are forced to marry as young as eight, Human Rights Watch says.
Three times as many men are enrolled at university as women in the central African country, one of the poorest nations in the world. From 2005-11, Chad closed only 52 per cent of its gender pay gap – the lowest out of all countries surveyed.
Women have greater than average political empowerment in Pakistan (which came one place above the UK in the ratings), but health, education and economic participation are areas of inequality. The nation's labour force is made up of four times as many men as women.
Women are treated as second-class citizens in Mali, where more than half are married by the time they are 18 and 69 per cent of women aged 15 to 24 are illiterate, according to Unicef. Under the new Family Code law adopted this year, which had been heralded as a step forward, women's rights have been set back to the original 1962 Bill, which rules a woman must obey her husband.[4]The Global Gender Gap report for 2012 found all ten countries which scored lowest to be countries where Muslims are the majority or Islam is the largest religion.[5] Conversely, all ten countries which scored the highest are secular and/or devoutly Christian countries.[6]

The Global Gender Gap report for 2013 shows that the 10 lowest scoring countries are all Muslim majority or Islam is the largest religion, and 14 of the 15 lowest scoring countries are all Muslims majority or Islam is the largest religion. Conversely, all 15 countries which scored the highest are secular and/or devoutly Christian countries.[7]

Saudi Arabia
A poll in the Saudi Dar al-Hayat newspaper found that 41% of readers don't think women should work as cashiers, while a further 20% were in favour but only with additional "conditions".

(Text reads): Do you support women working as cashiers in stores?
Yes: 39%
No: 41%
With conditions: 20%
Number of votes: 2,104[9]
United Kingdom
. . .
Nearly half of women and 36 per cent of men believe that the "free mixing" of sexes is not acceptable, while nine per cent of women and 17 per cent of men are unsure. [10]
Female Genital Mutilation
United Kingdom
The study revealed that over 20,000 girls could be at risk of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the UK.
Funded by the Department of Health and in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Department of Midwifery, City University, the study reveals that nearly 66,000 women with FGM are living in England and Wales (2001) and that there are nearly 16,000 girls under the age of 15 at high risk of WHO Type III FGM and over 5,000 at high risk of WHO Type I or Type II.[14]Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation
From the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 2005[16]
Country | Nation Prevalence % of FGM |
Benin | 17 |
Burkina Faso | 77 |
Central African Republic | 36 |
Chad | 45 |
Côte d’Ivoire | 45 |
Egypt | 97 |
Eritrea | 89 |
Ethiopia | 80 |
Ghana | 5 |
Guinea | 99 |
Kenya | 32 |
Mali | 92 |
Mauritania | 71 |
Niger | 5 |
Nigeria | 19 |
Sudan | 90 |
Tanzania | 18 |
Yemen | 23 |
Gender Violence
Arab World
Still, every year, 83,000 Nepal migrant women leave the country in search for work. Most go to the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, where job opportunities are better.
Arab states are destination of most illegal workers. Out of 67,000 in the Middle East in 2006, only 3,000 had the right papers and a valid contract.[17]Afghanistan
Bangladesh Mahila Parishad made the annual report on women repression based on stories published in 14 national dailies last year, a press release said.
A total of 6,616 women fell victim to repression across the country last year, says the report. Of them, 1,014 women were victims of stalking, 96 were killed after rape and 38 died after being set on fire. Moreover, 81 women were acid burnt while two of them died following the attacks.
Over 800 women were raped, of whom 165 were gang raped, as per the report.
Two hundred and eighty seven women faced sexual harassment in 2011. About 181 women and teenage girls were abducted while 109 women and girl children fell victim to trafficking. Among the victims of trafficking, 45 were sold to brothels, the report says.
At least 330 women were killed for failing to give dowry while 55 teenage house helps died in different incidents of torture across the country. Also, 68 women were tortured in the name of fatwa (religious edict), and 75 fell victim to child marriage.[20]France
Oslo is the capital of Norway. In 2010, its non-Western immigrant population was made up of Pakistanis (21,195), Somalis (11,542), Sri Lankans (7,214), Vietnamese (5,573), Turks (5,987), Moroccans (5,848), and Iraqis (6,831).[25] And in 2009, 11% of its population were Muslim.[26]
Every single rape assault between 2005-2010, where the rapist could be identified, was commited by a non-Western foreigner.
Transcript of English translation |
00:00:01:75 00:00:06:30 In Oslo all sexual assaults involving rape in the past year 00:00:06:30 00:00:10:45 has been committed by males of non-western background |
Sexual Harassment
The findings contradict the widely held belief in Egypt that unveiled women are more likely to suffer harassment than veiled ones.
Participants in the survey were shown pictures of women wearing different kinds of dress - from the mini skirt to the niqab (full face veil) and asked which were more likely to be harassed.
More than 60% - including female respondents - suggested the scantily clad woman was most at risk. But in reality the study concluded the majority of the victims of harassment were modestly dressed women wearing Islamic headscarves.
ECWR head Nihad Abu El-Qoumsan said that even veiled women who were victims of harassment blamed themselves.
Western women who took part in the study demonstrated a strong belief in their entitlement to personal safety and freedom of movement, she says, but this was totally absent among Egyptian respondents.
No-one spoke about freedom of choice, freedom of movement or the right to legal protection. No-one showed any awareness that the harasser was a criminal, regardless of what clothes the victim was wearing.
. . .
The sexual harassment of women belonging to minorities by Muslims is pandemic:
Saudi Arabia
The study quoted in Arab News focussed on the phones of teenagers detained by religious police for harassing girls.
The same researcher also found that 88% of girls say they have been victims of harassment using Bluetooth technology.[37]Depression & Suicide
. . .
The advisor of the president of Afghanistan in health matters estimates that each year 2300 Afghan women and girls, aged between 15 to 40 years who suffer from depression, commit suicide.
Mr. Kakkar said that on the basis of the above information the rate of suicide among women is 5 out of every 100,000.[38]. . .
In 2008 the Ministry of Public Health of Afghanistan had estimated that two-thirds of the Afghan population suffered from mental illnesses.[38]
While reliable statistics on anything are hard to come by in Iraq, officials say there have been as many as 50 suicides this year in this city of 350,000 — at least double the rate in the United States — compared with 80 all of last year. The most common methods among women are self-immolation and gunshots.
Among the many explanations given, like poverty and madness, one is offered most frequently: access to the Internet and to satellite television, which came after the start of the war. This has given young women glimpses of a better life, unencumbered by the traditions that have constricted women for centuries to a life of obedience and child-rearing, one devoid of romance.[39]
- ↑ The world’s five most dangerous countries for women: A Thomson Reuters Foundation global poll of experts - June 15, 2011
- ↑ World Gender Gap Worst in Islamic Nations — Survey Shows Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey at Bottom of List - R.E.A.L. Organization, October 28, 2009
- ↑ Ricardo Hausmann, Laura D. Tyson, Saadia Zahidi - The Global Gender Gap Report 2011: Rankings and Scores - World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland 2011
- ↑ Guy Adams - Manal al-Sharif: 'They just messed with the wrong woman' - The Independent, May 23, 2012
- ↑ The only country not to have a Muslim majority is Côte d'Ivoire. According to Côte d'Ivoire's Wikipedia page, 38.6% follow Islam, 32.8% follow Christianity. Thus Islam is its largest religion (ref: "Côte d'Ivoire", The World Factbook, CIA Directorate of Intelligence, 24 July 2008).
- ↑ Ricardo Hausmann, Laura D. Tyson, Saadia Zahidi - The Global Gender Gap Report 2012 - World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2012
- ↑ Ricardo Hausmann, Laura D. Tyson, "The Global Gender Gap Report 2013", World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 8-10, 2013 (archived),
- ↑ Sarah El Deeb - Alarming assaults on women in Egypt's Tahrir - Associated Press, June 6, 2012
- ↑ Dar al-Hayat, 19 March 2011 (translated by Al Mutarjim)
- ↑ Duncan Gardham, "Muslim students back killing in the name of Islam", The Telegraph, 27 July, 2008 (archived),
- ↑ Girls mutilated for 'tradition' - (originally) The Sunday Telegraph, November 5, 2006
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Jeffrey Gettleman - For Somali Women, Pain of Being a Spoil of War - The New York Times, December 27, 2011
- ↑ "Statistics by Area / Child Protection", UNICEF,
- ↑ FMG Research - FOWARD, accessed on August 28, 2010
- ↑ Tracy McVeigh and Tara Sutton - British girls undergo horror of genital mutilation despite tough laws - The Observer, July 25, 2010
- ↑ Nepali migrant women victims of abuse and exploitation - AsiaNews, September 16, 2011
- ↑ Tortured Afghan child bride slowly recovering - AFP, January 12, 2012
- ↑ "AFGHANISTAN Ending Child Marriage and Domestic Violence", Human Rights Watch, p. 12, September, 2013 (archived),
- ↑ Over 6,000 women repressed last year - The Daily Star, January 3, 2012
- ↑ Olivier Guitta, "Opinion: Why France is right about the burqa", GlobalPost, February 26, 2010 (archived),,1.
- ↑ Tatevik Hayrapetyan - Turkish drug mafia conquers Europe -, February 16, 2012
- ↑ Yara Bayoumy & Aseel Kami - ‘Honor killings’ require tougher laws, say Iraqi women - Reuters, March 6, 2012
- ↑ Brianna Taylor - Morocco women struggle against violence from husbands - Bikya Masr, October 7, 2012
- ↑ 10 Innvandrere og norskfødte med innvandrerforeldre, etter landbakgrunn (de 20 største gruppene). Utvalgte kommuner. 1.januar 2010
- ↑ Mellom 4 og 11 prosent muslimer i 2060 - nyheter -, April 15, 2009
- ↑ Violence against women rises by 13% Violence against women rises by 13% - The Express Tribune, June 29, 2010.
- ↑ Rape, Zina and Incest - MuslimAccess, accessed July 14, 2011
- ↑ Yonca Poyraz Doğan - Women's groups outraged by Cabinet's drastic changes to violence bill draft - Today's Zaman, March 1, 2012
- ↑ Gender-based violence nearly doubles in 3 years, report says - Today's Zaman, May 7, 2012
- ↑ Gender-based violence leading cause of death for women aged 15-44 - Today's Zaman, August 10, 2012
- ↑ Maggie Hyde - Harrasmap: A counter to web of women’s harassment - Associated Press, October 25, 2010
- ↑ Magdi Abdelhadi - Egypt's sexual harassment 'cancer' - BBC News, July 18, 2008
- ↑ Desmond Shephard - Foreign woman stripped of clothes, assaulted, in Egypt’s Tahrir Square - Bikya Masr, January 25, 2012
- ↑ Manar Ammar - Sexual harassment awaits Egyptian girls outside schools - Bikya Masr, September 10, 2012
- ↑ Minority women in Pakistan face harassment: Study - IANS, March 16, 2012
- ↑ Porn dominates Saudi mobile use - BBC News, April 25, 2007
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 2300 Women and Girls Commit Suicide in Afghanistan Each Year - BBC Persian (Translated by RAWA), July 31, 2010
- ↑ Tim Arango - Where Arranged Marriages Are Customary, Suicides Grow More Common - The New York Times, June 6, 2012